Sydney- A City To Fall In Love With (Travel Tips)



And back at it again! Sitting in the plane for a change, and recalling the last weeks’s events and impressions. In my last post, I talked about our time in Melbourne and about my personal tips for you guys.

After spending five days in Melbourne, we headed south-east to Queenstown (New Zealand), then to Brisbane, followed by Hamilton Island, and last but not least Sydney.

I can’t believe that today is already my last day of our three weeks vacation and therefore, my trip to the end of the world, officially, is over. Right now,  I’m on my way to Kuala Lumpur, looking out of the window and enjoying lots of space thanks to an asian man that changed seats in the almost empty plane. Having a whole row to myself, I put out my laptop, listen to music (here’s the link to my Spotify) and start telling you guys about my last days. 

Chronologically, my next post would be about Queenstown, but since my memories about Sydney are fresh in mind and something unexpectedly exciting happened, I can’t wait to tell you guys about Sydney first 🙂

Exactly a week a go, on the ‘Australia Day’, we arrived in Sydney. My very first impression, when I saw the arrival lounge, was: “It looks so much like Los Angeles – I miss L.A.!” Jay (Julia) was so kind and waited at the airport for me, since we, unfortunately, didn’t get the same flight from Hamilton Island to Sydney.


When we hopped into a cab, I was really excited what Sydney’s going to be like. I received so many tips and messages from you guys, on how jealous you are that I am in Sydney, and literally every second person already has been to Sydney. Either for holidays, as an Au pair, for college or work-and-travel.

Intentionally, I didn’t look up articles or pictures of Sydney online, that way I wouldn’t have expectations and ideas of Sydney other than the famous Opera house and that it is situated directly at the water 😉

The ride in the cab didn’t seem spectacular – a nice driver with broken english with whom I started talking about night live in Australia and about the plenty alcohol laws (he had a whole plan figured out what he’d change if he was the mayor).  At that point, I asked him where he originally was from. Italy. I have no idea why, but Italians and Italy in general, always makes my heart melt. It’s not only one of my favorite countries, but also Italy’s scenery, food, language and people are a class of their own. Therefrom, out of simple small talk, a beautiful conversation about life and love developed.  ‘Uncle Sam’, that’s what he calls himself, told us about his children, grandchildren and his wife. When he talked about his wife,  you could hear his love for her in every word he spoke. They are happily married since 39 years and he calls himself the “luckiest guy in the whole world” to have her as his wife. Three years ago, he surprised her with a holiday home, when traveling through Italy, to thank her for ‘keeping up with him’ for all those years when he was working so hard (he had run four restaurants in Sydney before he sold them to pay the weddings of his daughters and to travel the world with his wife).

Until now, he owns a little cab rental and was only a substitute for a driver that day. Uncle Sam already is retired and lives the life of a happy grandfather, dad and husband. Soon he will be traveling the world for nine months with his wife, and then, I asked if his wife was ‘the one’ for him, when he was seeing her for the very first time, and he simply said “yes!”. And he kept describing this magical moment, when he saw her and just knew back then (she was only 16 and he 18 years old) that he is going to marry this girl, and that was the moment, Jay and I, just couldn’t hold back our tears anymore.

As a matter of fact, we both cried, when passing Harbour Bridge and getting the very first impressions of Sydney. Interesting beginning 😉 What to remember from this story? First of all: Never judge somebody just because he’s a cab driver, a street worker or a cleaning lady etc. You never know who they really are and their true values. And secondly: Never give up on true love 🙂 I’m talking more about this later on!

However, when Julia and I arrived at our Airbnb apartment (in Manly on Pacific street), we headed  downtown Manly, more specifically to the wharf, where the ferries in Sydney arrive and depart, and some hip bars and restaurants are located directly at the water. The others of our group were already awaiting us at the harbor with food.  After we ate, we went to the ‘Wharf Bar’, (a huge restaurant/bar, designed in white with surfboards  hanging from the ceiling, amazing drinks and a good-looking party crowd)  which is situated directly at the water. For those who follow me on Snapchat (luisaslions) might already know what I’m going to talk about, so I’m going to provide you blog readers now with a very intriguing and private story 😉


To start with, we were sitting in the outside area of the Wharf bar, among many young people in tank tops with stunning biceps, blonde surfer hair and blue eyes (yeeeah, in Manly/Sydney are above average good looking (blonde with blue eyes) people).  For those who know me, I’m a person (leo characteristics) who always observes their environment. As soon as I walk into a room, I’m automatically scanning all the people around me (speaking  of males mostly). I’m looking/scanning for tall (around 1,90m), muscular and dark haired guys ;). Nina, Jay and I, were enjoying white wine when first Julia (and then Nina as well!) said: “Do you see that guy over there? He looks just like the type of guy you’d like!” (yes my friends know the type of guy I like already haha). Of course I already spotted the mentioned, good-looking guy when I did my usual scanning the first time 🙂 Jay thought that he looked like a german speaking guy, and that I should just walk up to him and start talking. Nina supported that idea but I just wasn’t feeling very convinced (aaaand way to sober) to join the ‘plan’.  First I thought that he was german too because of his style, but then I thought I’d heard him speaking english. Finally, when I wanted to prove Julia and Nina wrong, and wanted to walk up to him, he and his friends were gone and I never saw him again. Or at least for now 😉 More to this later on!


A few drinks later, when the sun had set, we went inside the Wharf bar and spent the night listening to (fun old school hip hop) music, till we headed to two different night clubs. At the Steyne hotel (huge, three floored bar/club) were so little people that we decided to go to the Sugar Lounge, were we felt way to old, dancing next to 16-18 year olds. At least we increased the age average, had lots of fun (always those weird, drunk people, that dance like the’ve never listened to music) and danced till 4am in the morning 🙂


The next day, we ate breakfast at the ‘Blue Water’ and drove with the ‘Fast ferry’ (costs 8,50 AUD) into downtown Sydney, to do a little sight seeing. We hopped onto a bus tour (red service), that drove through downtown Sydney, including the stunning opera house and the Harbour Bridge. Since we were all tired and a little hung over from last night, we drove back to Manly after the sight seeing tour. There, we had my favorite frozen yogurt at yogurtland (there are couple of stores in LA too) and went out for dinner at ‘Yok Thai’ for some asian food (really yummy!), before we fell exhausted into bed. One thing I learned about myself during this trip, I CAN go to bed early! I just have to be really tired, have to get up early, and be busy throughout the day, spend less time on my phone and baaaam I’m passed out around 9-10 at night!






The next morning, we went to the ‘Ground Zero’ for breakfast (highly recommending this place!) and took the ferry again to drive downtown. Then, we took a bus (blue service) to Bondi Beach, where we were supposed to meet up with a german friend, who works there, but somehow it didn’t work out 😉 Bondi Beach is really beautiful and full of backpacker and european people. What’s really cool about Sydney, there are almost everywhere free wifi spots – even at the beaches!



Bondi_Beach_Sydney_Tipps le_crew_Urlaub_Wiener Bondi_Beach_Sydney


However, after spending half the day tanning at the beach, we drove back to Manly in the evening and went out for dinner at another asian Restaurant, ‘Mortar & Pestle’ (unfortunately not as good). Later that night, we went to the Steyne Hotel, where an Australian band played at the rooftop bar (‘Moonshine’). A friend of Julia recommended it to us and the band, The Sons of The East, and location really were good (we felt like the oldest ones there again though). Nicht clubs are generally closing down at around 2am or 3am in Sydney, and you can’t get into bars after 12. That’s something you need to get used to 😉


The following Friday, we did some shopping downtown because it was raining really heavily and we didn’t know what else to do.

At the moment, the rate for the AUD is quite low, that means it’s good for us because one AUD is worthy of 0,67 euros 🙂 I bought some cool shorts and tops by Supré (non expensive brand, comparable to Kaitlyn in L.A. or probably Pimkie, Gina Trikot etc. in Germany). Further on,  Jay and I went for food at CYRÈN, located at the Darling Harbour, while the others went to Sealife. Later, we all went together for some more food to ‘Olivio’ (another restaurant by the promenade next to the water) and then we headed home.  Like almost every night, we watched a movie and I feel asleep after only half an hour (or less!) 🙂 Vacation can be really tiring 😉





On Saturday, we visited friends of Julia’s family, who live in Newport (a pretty beach town above Manly if you head north – close to the ‘Northern Beaches’).  We spent the day with them, having relaxing BBQ, we swam a little and drove with the family’s boat to a little bay (popular for crystal-clear water and a beautiful beach – unfortunately not so clear because of the heavy rain).

Anyway, in the evening we planned on going out – pretty casual in flat shoes, my new black shorts, my Los Angeles body and a red pocket shirt (why I am telling you what I’m wearing specifically? Just continue reading ;))







The ‘Daniel San’ is a pretty new restaurant/bar in Manly (there are several really cool restaurants in Sydney that change into a bar/club later at night with DJ’s, good drinks and fun people). Unfortunately, the food in Daniel San is way too expansive and not even good, but the DJ’s and drinks make up for that 🙂

That night was actually our last official ‘party night’ in Sydney and Jay used it to celebrate her upcoming birthday (she’s turing 26 on 02/06 if you guys wanna wish her a HB), No wonder we were quite motivated to drink that evening (okay, at least Jay and I :)) A couple cocktails and tequila shots later, we rocked the dance floor (again) with really awesome music 😉  Suddenly, when Jay was at the bar ordering new drinks, she got all excited and waved at me.. I looked to my right and saw a familiar face. When I made my way over to her, she just said: “Have you seen who’s here and standing next to the bar?”  Yes exactly, that guy from the first night in Sydney! Pretty sick huh 😉 And as you guys know, all that happened because of my ‘Everything Happens For A Reason’ (EHFAR) – theory 🙂

I’ve already told the full detailed story on snapchat (luisaslion), so I’ll keep it shortly: After some complications (his friend ‘spotted me first’ and liked me), I eventually talked to him (he’s Australian btw!). He’s a really nice, interesting, likewise business-minded as I am, extremely intelligent, sporty (and on and on – I don’t want to bore you guys) young man :).

Moreover, he asked me for my phone number and suggested hanging out the next day when his friend is not around. The moment I arrived at home, I  already got a text message from him.

Normally, I don’t like to talk about such private things in public, but especially my ‘men-stories’ are most requested from you guys, that I couldn’t keep it a secret. Plus, you guys always only get to hear negative experiences so this is something refreshing huh 🙂 Especially, now that I wasn’t even looking for someone, I would have never expected something to happen.

Furthermore, I read in my yearly horoscope for 2016, that I will confront some ‘romantic frustrations’ but also plenty ‘cash injections’ this year.  Apparently this year, for Leos, is going to be the most successful year of all, regarding finances.  Funnily enough, the horoscope also says (I read it in the ELLE magazine): “You may be frustrated that your romantic partner lives so far away from you, with no plans to move closer”. That creepy statement partly is the reason I’ve actually given up on my love life this year already.



However, we spent the next day, Sunday, at the beach in Manly and went to Wharf bar again in the evening, where the Australian guy joined us 🙂 We got along really well and talked for hours about everything and anything. Later on, he showed me (the others were too tired and went home) a little of the ‘local life’ in Manly :). Stores close early on Sundays so we ended up in a really cool bar, called ‘In Sito’, where a really talented guy sang and played guitar. After that, we went to the Steyne Hotel again and talked for a long time.  There, he also told me, that he actually didn’t even want to go out the other night but his friend persuaded him (EHFAR!) to, and that he immediately spotted me because of my very cool shirt (now you know why my outfit description was so important that night ;)) Furthermore, he told me that it is very important to him that a girl gets along with his male friends, and after telling him about my four brothers, things just worked out really good.

Honestly, I’ve never had such a great conversation with a guy – especially not with an english speaking one (with americans I just never had such an intelligent and profound conversation). I like that he’s honest and open-minded, and generally, we are thinking almost always the same, that it really is a little scary 🙂 He also analyzed my perfectly and we talked a lot about my ‘job’, about blogging and my plans for the future. He kinda motivated me to keep working and keep reaching towards my dreams and goals. Also I told him about ideas and theories, that really got him thinking. Anyway, we had a conversation like I’ve never had before, and it felt like it completed the last missing piece in my future plans.

Although, you guys might not realized, I felt really ‘lost’ the last couple  of weeks like never before in my life. My whole motivation was suddenly gone and for the first time in my life, I was afraid of my future, of the year 2016  and especially of my financial ‘career’. Being self-employed is full of risks and ‘obstacles’, a lot taxes to deal with, health insurance payments etc. And in the end it was you guys, that brought my energy and motivation back, thanks to all the nice words and messages that you’ve sent me. Now, after reading my actually pretty positive horoscope for the year, the old Luisa is back. I even believe what a palmist once, seven years ago, told me; that my financial line looks wonderful and that I’ll never have to worry about money, because it will always be there.

Sometimes, it’s all about meeting the right people in life, that make you see things you didn’t before, or that motivate and support you and your dreams. I’m reading so many lovely emails from you, about how I motivate and inspire you to make your dreams work, and now it’s time that I motivate myself 😉 The Australian guy really is impressing, also when it comes to business, and I think I could learn a lot from him.  And before I forget; you guys know how much I believe in zodiac signs. I even have a list on my phone (I’m a freak and I know it), where I wrote down all the signs that work with a Leo-female (in case I’d forget it), and in the last days I looked at it again, because I thought a lot about it and wanted to prove that they do work and really are true. Anyway, I realized that Aries are as a good match as Sagittarius (listed before Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius), but that I’ve never met a Aries-male. So I talked to Julia a little while ago, about how I’d like to get to know someone that is Aries… Now have a guess what zodiac sign the Australian guy is… 😉 Exactly! (He even shares the same birthday with my brother).


On Monday, I visited the the Featherdale Wildlife Park with the others and then headed back home to pack get ready for my second ‘date’ with the Aussie-Boy 🙂 We went out to the Hugo (super fancy and yummy Italian restaurant, gotta be bc of the name ;)) and again, had the best talks ever.

It’s crazy how we just can talk so openly about everything, and we were both flashed and surprised about that kind of ‘connection’ we have.  He told me how he was in a bad mood all day, and when he was talking to a co-worker about me, she supposed it is because he knows he can’t have ‘it’.

Australia and Germany, or for example Los Angeles, are just not the best conditions and are really far apart, but you guys know me. I’m ‘always’ ready to take risks and believe that everything happens for a reason and that it is all about being ‘ready’ and the right time. Therefore, I’m quite relaxed and know that if it is supposed to happen it will. Maybe he will come and visit me in LA, or I might fly to Sydney or we will never see each other again and it all was an unforgettable summer fling? Who knows.

What I do know, is, that I’m living in the moment and not to think about the past or worry about the future because it’s all about living in the present! And he totally shares that way of thinking, and we’ll just keep in touch and see were the future takes us 🙂 Whatever happens, it’s a wonderful and motivating feeling to be fully appreciated and not reduced on looks.

My advice for you is, to look for someone who challenges you mentally and thinks in the same way about life theories, goals and dreams. As important is the physical attraction to each other – are both of these attributes fulfilled, it’s a good match 😉  But that’s all a whole other story! BTW, I just got a text from him, about our zodiac signs, and that it is just ‘nuts’ how compatible we are with each other and what a good match 😉

To come to an end, I hope you liked my quite personal post about Sydney and might learn one or another thing from it. Also, as you guys might noticed, we didn’t explore Sydney as much as the other cities (i.e. we didn’t make it to Siri Hills or other parts of the city) but that’s just another good reason for me to come back to Sydney 😉

 xx Luisa

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