[So sorry for being absent for such a long time – I’m back from vacation now and will be updating and uploading back to normal now 😉 Thanks for staying true.]

Since we only had two days in Singapore we had to squeeze most of the sightseeing into one day – so here are my personal Hot Spots and Must Sees in Singapore if you don’t have time to see everything make sure to at least visit some of the following.
Sight Seeing:
After our day at Bintan Island in Indonesia we arrived back to Singapore by night and decided to visit Chinatown. Singapore’s Chinatown is not a typical China Town with lots of small shops and restaurants, but rather a big street with bars, hotels and the famous Buddha Tooth Relic Temple. At least that’s what we experienced by night 😉 Singapore is generally very clean and quiet city so you won’t find too much street life and open stores after 10. However the Party and Club area is pretty close to the temple and mostly located in Clubsreet and around Smith Street (Bartini has very good cocktails and we met the young owner who is pretty cool so give it a try if you’re close by). Little India and the impressive Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple are closeby as well (141 Serangoon Road). During the day the City Center around the Marina Bay Sands Hotel and mall are a must-see. You can pretty much walk everywhere around ‚Cityhall‘ or you use the metro Bich is pretty new and easy to use (BUT – remember it’s against the law to drink and eat in public transportation, not even
a water bottle is allowed!). In general Singapore is extremly clean and very western – not a typical asian city as a lot of people say..

I. Serangoon Road beginning of China Town II. Chinese Lanterns in Singapores China Town III. Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple in Little India IV. Serangoon Street V. Buddha Tooth Relic Temple in China Town VI. Bars in Chinatown Smith Street

The Skyline of Singapore – everything around Marina Bay
Food & Shopping:
Singapore is great for shopping since you have a lot of malls and western and asian stores – however it is not exactly cheap. I didn’t have much time in Singapore so I rather went for the sightseeing and rooftop bar then for shopping but in Rochard Street you will find all known designer stores such as Prada, Chanel, miu miu but also Abercrombie & Fitch and Topshop. The City Link Mall is great for cheaper brands and smaller stores and the Marina Bay Sands Mall is full of expensive and exclusive brands. Most people who live in Singapore are either from Malaysia, Indonesia or China that’s why there is a huge diversity of food. You find delicious street food such as rice, noodles, lots of chicken and fruits but also western food chains for the ones that don’t want to take the risk. In general you should not dring tab water and only buy bottled water. The fresh juices and shakes you can buy on the street are delicious and a must for fruit lovers.

I & II Rochard Street – the major shopping street, III & IV enjoying a delicious fresh papaya juice, V & VI shopping miu miu and Top Shop at Rochard Street

I fresh dragon fruit and chinese pear apple, II street food at Rochard Street, III mac & cheese and other crazy food spenders at 7eleven in Singapore, IV, V & VI Christmas decoration and art museum Rooftop Bar & Singapore by night:
By far my favorite spot in Singapore is the Marina Bay Sands Hotel it is not only a huge shopping mall with a casino (only entrance with proper cloths so be prepared) but it also has the most amazing rooftop bar in Singapore to see the entire city and skyline. Usually you have to pay $25 entrance to get up to the top level but if you say you want to have a drink at the bar they will let you in for free and even send you to the very top where you can enjoy an amazing view over Singapore. Hotel guests can also go into the stunning infinity pool from where you have the same incredible view. There is also a very fancy night club on the top level of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel but you have to be dressed nicely and guys have to wear long pants and decent shoes so make sure to pack some extra pants to not be denied entrance! Other night clubs and fun bars are in China Town and Arab Street.

I Marina Bay Sands 5 Star Hotel and Mall, II & III the incredible infinity pool at Marina Bay Hotel, IV, V & VI Marina Bay Mall with a small river inside and an ice scating lane

the view from the Marina Bay Sands Hotel rooftop bar And last but not least my outfit for the day I spent in Singapore – I wore a new light peachy top from Pimkie, my favorite white studded tweet shorts from Zara, a silver statement necklace from nelly.com, old no name sandals and my favorite white studded bag from Michael Kors and my all time favorite white MK watch. What do you think about this look? I think this could be one of my favorite summery looks – this is totally me 🙂

I in a park in Singapore, II connecting with Panasonic Asia, III posing at a hotel bathroom, IV taking an instagram picture, V infront of the Singapore skyline, VI my outfit of the day

Nice post,i follow now,please follow mw back!Un saludo!
KonKurs Giveaway
nice!!love your necklace
Patchwork à Porter
Danke für diesen ausführlichen Post 🙂
Wir fliegen am 2. Februar nach Asien, machen eine kleine Rundreise und sind auch 2-3 Tage in Singapur, also fand ich deine Tipps sehr hilfreich, danke 🙂
Reicht es, wenn man für die Rooftop Bar als Frau ein schönes Kleid und Sandalen/Ballerinas trägt?
LG Julia
Hey Julia ja das sollte auf jeden Fall reichen bei Frauen sind die zum Glück nicht ganz so streng aber bei Männern um so mehr also unbedingt lange Hose und eigentlich auch Hemd 😉 Viel Spaß!!
Schöner Urlaubsbericht. 🙂 Finde ich immer wieder toll. Und ja, das Outfit sieht wirklich sehr nach dir aus. Steht dir gut. 😀
Liebe Grüße, Mona
Danke für die vielen Tipps 🙂
tolle bilder
freue mich schon auf deine posts 🙂
Untertags auch? Sind sie bei den Schuhen bei Männern auch streng? Danke schonmal 😉
tagsüber nicht ganz so also auf die Aussichtsplattform sollten Männer auch so kommen aber nicht in den Club da müssen Männer lange Hosen und geschlossene Schuhe tragen 😉
Deine Bilder sind immer so schön :)! Da bekommt man richtig Fernweh :P!
Great pictures!
Fashioncontainer Facebook page
This is a great city! I hope you have a great time there!
Danke !!! great blog mode
Endlich bloggst du wieder! Ich hab die Posts schon total vermisst und hab jeden Tag mit deinem Instagram Vorlieb nehmen müssen 🙁 Welcome back ! 🙂
Liebe Grüße
Coole Bilder 😉 War bestimmt ein toller Urlaub, also bis auf die Koffersache…
gaaaanz toller Post! Love It! ♥
Great post on your travels! Can’t wait to see more!
Love from South Africa
Wahnsinn was du alles gesehen hast in 48h! tolle Bilder <3